The DTI-DT340 Linux Device Driver Package contains a fully functional modularized Linux device driver which supports
the DT340 Series Low-Cost Multifunction Counter/Timer and Digital I/O DAQ board from Data Translation Incorporated.
The single driver supports the following board types in any number and combination: DT340.
The DTI-DT340 Linux Device Driver is distributed with a GNU General Public License and may be installed, modified,
and redistributed under the terms of the GPL. To download the latest release, or any earlier release, just click the
link below.
The DTI-DT340 Linux Device Driver supports most DT340 Series board functions which include
- Eight 16-bit cascadable counter timers for event counting, square wave generation, and interval measurement
- 32 digital I/O lines for high-channel count requirements
- Four internal interval timers enable periodic interrupt
- Flexible triggering and clocking capabilities
- Interrupt on bit change detection for monitoring critical signals
Detailed board specifications from the manufacturer are available here